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Friday, June 8, 2007

China Analysis TOWN'S TALKING

Last day I visited www.megameeting.com . The first thing that came to my mind at www.megameeting.com was that we're living in interesting times. It actually has to do with how globalibazition is shaping our daily lives. Many people, including academics, believe that globalization is nothing new at all, focusing on the economic aspects of what we call new world economy.

My personal point of view is somehow different. Take for example the new techologies and how important are for everybody, at least in the developed world. We seem to take for granted many aspects of our daily routine that are based on technology. Many analysists miss the point. Globalization is not only an economic but also a social tranformation of our world. A good example is "web conferencing software" . For years it was prohibited because of its cost. Today everybody can easily find Video Conferencing Software. Besides, Video Conferencing and meetings are part of the daily life of many people. Take a look at www.megameeting.com and you' ll see.